I. Love. It. So. Much. I've long loved the VW Beetle, which is perhaps the least practical family vehicle next to a smart car. But not this beautiful little VW bus! It is surely a family car, despite it's long running association with hippies, pot smokers, surfers and Scooby Do over the years. I see myself loading up the kids, and looking awesome as I drive down the main drag of suburbia. People would look and think someone really cool was driving that car. Not some tired, carpooling, chauffeuring, PTO Mom jamming out to One Direction. And should I ever drive it sans kids, people would not make automatic assumptions as is inevitable when a woman is driving a mini van solo. "Oh, look at that Mom in that minivan. She must be going to the grocery store or to pick up her kids".
Oh no, this car could change the face of Moms and families everywhere. We could be cool. People would look past the tired eyes, yoga pants, snot-filled shirts, and know that underneath all that we are just regular people trying our best to not entirely lose ourselves to our kids. We would no longer have to justify why we have the car we have, or continually explain why our car is just as awesome as anyone else's ride.
I love the rounded hubcaps and it's cartoon-ish, happy appearance. I love the retro green color. I love it's sleek cuteness, and it's tiny wheels. I love that I could put a surfboard on top for added awesomeness, even though I don't surf. I love that it appears roomy enough for all three of my kids and the dog. I would even trade the automatic sliding doors in the swagger wagon (possibly the best feature of the min-van) for this little beauty. You can read and see more pics here.
I would buy this car tomorrow if I could, but unfortunately I can't seem to find any reliable info that it's actually on the market at this time. Oh, the sadness! It's seems there are many rumors, and I will continue to monitor if this becomes a reality. Oh, please, please, Volkswagon, make this car! If you do it right, it will fly off the showroom floors. Just be sure to include a DVD player so I can turn my kids off and enjoy the feeling of freedom and happiness while still being the responsible, tired, chauffeuring Mom I am.