I started yesterday, and admittedly had a hard time sticking to the plan mostly because I was absolutely STARVING. 1200 calories (in my opinion) is just not enough for a teacher with 3 kids even if I do want to lose weight. So, I added some grilled chicken to the lunch veggie wrap and ate several more pieces of fruit throughout the day. I also had some cucumber and hummus, but I drank significantly more water and tea. I did not have any diet coke or wine, both of which I usually have 1 a day. So, I ate healthily (is that a word?) and felt like I did pretty good. The magazine is geared towards 'older' people, right? And older people have slower metabolism so that extra fruit, cucumber and hummus can't really hurt . . .
Today was day two, and I was much less hungry, so I think my stomach is getting back to normal size and it was less difficult to do. I did drink some sugar free french vanilla cappuccino that I made, but it only has 50 calories a serving and I was FREEZING in my house and couldn't imagine another cup of tea at the moment. I also added a few extra pieces of fruit in the day, but overall, did pretty good (again, just my opinion . . .). I also adjusted a little. I didn't care for the day 2 recipe for lunch, so I just made the same wrap sandwhich, but I think if you stick to roughly the same calorie count and food types it should be OK.
I'm hoping to stick with similar foods/calorie content for a few more days and try to get into some better eating habits. I don't think I'll be able to give up wine permanently (it is my guiltly pleasure, especially at the end of long, stressful days), but I"m going to really try to cut out diet coke. I'm also always striving to cook more and do my best to not get take-out. However, it's unavoidable on some days. That's just how it is with the chaos of three kids, especially on days when my husband works late. Nobody's perfect, though. Right?
Here is a link to the article: