And, the end of last week it seems that billions of little mosquito eggs that were just waiting for the right time finally hatched. Mosquitoes were everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Sunday afternoon we decided to go to lunch. We headed outside to get in the car, and the baby got distracted by a bigwheel. I spent about 30 seconds locking the door, then walked toward the car to find my little girl sitting on the big wheel swarmed by probably 20 mosquitoes. She was swatting like crazy, and I swooped her up as fast as I could and put her in the car. The several bites she already had were swelling up (both girls get extra-huge welts) to the size of quarters and I frantically sprayed 'Off' on everyone. But then the car was filling with fumes so I had to open the windows. Luckily they can't enter a vehicle too well if it's in motion.
The swarm was oozing into the car and the kids were yelling. I have a bug electrocuter that looks like a tennis racket and I'm sure I looked like a crazy person waving it all around the car. The carcasses were falling all over the floor and the kids were banging on the windows and seats trying to kill all the little blood suckers before they bit them.
When we returned and pulled into the driveway, we could see them swarming the car before we even got out, bouncing on and off the windshield as though they could already smell our blood. We unbuckled everyone, counted down from three and ran in the house as fast as possible. Of course a few always get into the house when we open the door and quietly tortured everyone as we watched the Texans game. Then a lady came to the house to pick up something I was selling on craigslist. I opened the door and the poor girl was surrounded and was swatting them away like crazy. I pulled her in the house as fast as I could. Later I went to five stores, and every single one of them was out of every single mosquito-killing product that exists. This sucks.
It's been about a week of the infestation, and every child I've seen looks like they've got a bad case of chicken-pox. Mine are definitely full of scabs from head to toe. And just in time for picture week of course. I got at least one bite on my leg just typing this. The city finally sprayed, I think, and it seems to be getting a little better, but every gentle wisp of wind that crosses my skin causes me to frantically swat and check for something trying to land on me. A cold front is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I hope it wreaks havoc on those blood-sucking devil creatures and that they die a slow, miserable dea
Mosquitoes suck.