This week I am disgusted with our politicians. From what I can tell, the events of the past week show that our politicians are interested in nothing more than siding with their party at all costs. It seems it has become a nothing more than a childish game of whose side wins regardless of what is best for the country.
The Government has shut down. As a result, hundreds of thousands of hard- working Americans are without pay. Congress, however, still gets paid. My husband, who flew out of town yesterday to attend a meeting that begins today, must fly back immediately or be formally reprimanded. He does not receive a paycheck until the Government re-opens, and is not allowed to do ANYTHING related to work. He is our only source of income, and there are many, many families in the same boat. Luckily, we have some savings to fall back on, but there are many families who don't.
Everyone is worked up about Obamacare, and I certainly don't know a lot about it. But, as far as considering the good of the whole country, it really doesn't seem that bad. It gets rid of pre-existing conditions, adds mandatory coverage for mental health, and allows children to be covered under their parents for longer.
It also requires everyone to be covered, which I know many people are upset about. Here is one scenario I would like people to think about. There are many people uninsured by choice, understandably since it's so expensive. However, what happens when those people have a catastrophic medical situation? I've known families like that, and when a life or death medical issue arises (think appendicitis, car accident, high risk pregnancy/birth) that ultimately costs $20,000, $30,000 or more, those families had those costs reduced to almost nothing since they didn't have insurance. The cost of the medical care was not erased from existence, but paid for in a round about way by the rest of us who pay for our medical costs. Now, that seems more unfair to me than asking those people to have insurance in order to cover their own costs.
Anyway, I hope Congress can get their act together and start thinking about the good of the whole rather than what is going to get them elected next or make them appear 'strong'. Newsflash: compromise is not a sign of weakness. I hope they start thinking more about the American people, especially the ones who are now suffering financially because they can't figure this out, and learn to get along. The extreme partisanship in our government is nauseating. And they keep saying they are speaking for the people of the country, but somehow it seems they've lost touch with the American people in their efforts to win, win, win.
And, so, I guess I'll be enjoying a little vacation with the husband this week. We need to finish season 5 of Breaking Bad, so I have that to look forward to. Thanks Congress.