1. We ended up in this terrible situation after the 2006 property tax relief (House Bill 1) went from $1.50 to $1.00. Not so much of a relief now that we are in major crisis. We have also lost property values due to the poor economy.
2. The House pased legislation on Sunday which calls for more than $8 billion in cuts to educatin. The House budget bill will now move to the senate - not sure when. Probably soon.
3. House Bill 2485 does this: eliminates per-student funding cap and replaces it with a flat allotment of $4730/student. This is a $610 loss per student in my district ($30 million total); eliminates allotments for GT, Technology, CTE; delays pament to school year.
4. The effects of several bills (HB 2485, HB 500, HB 6) will drastically effect education in the following ways:
a. LARGER CLASS SIZES: creates less time for teacher-student monitoring & relationship building, more difficult to identify student needs and provide differentiation, less control over larger groups of students would create discipline, safety and management issues, and as a result many students will fall behind.
b. COURSE ELECTIVES AND PROGRAMS CUT: electives and special programs are important for students to explore their interests, become well rounded and help decide how they want to pursue a career path.
c. CUT IN FACULTY: Less administrators, librarians, teachers, counselors, custodians, etc. decreases safety and protection for students, and teachers end up even more overworked with less energy to focus on actual teaching and learning as they will be dealing with discipline, management and paperwork.
d. CUTS IN RESOURCES: Less money means less technology and instructional resources. Students cannot compete with the rest of the country, nor are they adequately prepared for college when teachers do not have proper resources for teaching.
We must advocate for education and stand up for what we believe. I know I am being preachy, but everyone always says how important education is. If it is, please write a letter to your politicians IMMEDIATELY! It is possible that voting will begin next week (April 18). I am worried for our state and our country - we are falling behing in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and many other countries are educating themselves and taking our jobs. QUALITY EDUCATION HELPS DETER CRIME, PUBLIC ASSISTANCE/WELFARE COSTS TO CITIZENS AND KEEPS PEOPLE OUT OF PRISONS - SOMETHING WE HAVE ALL COMPLAINED ABOUT. WRITE TODAY AND ENCOURAGE YOUR FRIENDS, HUSBANDS, WIVES, AND NEIGHBORS TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!
Find out who represents you HERE. Email them ALL!!!!!!