So, this year I decided it would be nice if we left a little gift for our garbage men and recycling guys. They have one of the most important jobs in our community, and they probably rarely get thanked or tipped. We all tip our yard men, hair dressers, babysitters, house cleaners, etc., but I thought it would be nice to say thanks to the guys who keep our community clean.
I bought each crew a case of coke and a box of those really super good melt-in-your mouth sugar cookies at the grocery store. I bought the coke at Sams, so all 4 items probably cost less than $20. I made a little sign (above) and had the kids draw a little picture on each, and then we taped it to the goodies and left it outside.
I'm normally not home when the garbage men come (I wasn't when the recyclers came), but I happened to be home today. So, I opened the blinds just enough so I could see out, but they wouldn't be able to see me spying on them. The guys seemed surprised and really happy, even for such a small thing. They read the note together, showed the driver, loaded it in the truck and one of them yelped a little 'woohoo!'. Then they proceeded on with their job.
I think the recyclers were pleased as well because normally my recycle bin (one of those huge gigantic ones) is carelessly 'put' back in the middle of the street or right in front of my driveway, but today is was neatly put back up on the curb out of the way. My hope is that it brightened their day a little and maybe realize that we don't take them for granted. I'm sure their jobs are not easy.
So, my challenge to you is to do the same sometime before Christmas. You could leave cookies, treats, gift cards to local fast food joints, home made notes and/or whatever sounds good to you. It's nice to feel appreciated, but more importantly it's nice to give to others. That is, after all, what the season is all about.
I'd love to see what you do in your neighborhood with your family! Please share pictures on facebook (Momofthree.com)!