I got home and told my husband I was injured. I then I took a pathetic shower trying to stand on one leg while the hubs went to the store to get me an ace bandage. After some tears because the pain was literally so sharp and throbbing (the hubs thinks I have a low pain tolerance, which I don't and as one point of reference , I've given birth twice and I'm pretty sure the epidural didn't work right on the first one) I sat, for most of the day because it was so painful to do anything else. Oh, and of course my youngest was home with a fever, so thankfully my dear husband came home to bring me food at lunch and to take her upstairs for a nap.
A sprained ankle may not sound like a big deal to most. After educating myself on WebMD, I decided I probably had a bad level 2 sprain (3 is the worst). It was swollen and bruised, so I went to the doctor and thankfully it wasn't broken. As a mother of three kids, though, not being able to walk is a pretty serious problem, especially when there is a feverish toddler in the house and I was planning on doing everyone's laundry after my jog.
I literally sat for 2 days which was nearly torture, especially with that sick toddler running around. We watched the 'Glee 3-D' movie 3 times in one day interspersed with some 'Tom and Jerry' and 'Rio'. I thought my brain my explode from TV coma. After 2 days, the house was a mess, no one had any clean clothes, I couldn't do the stairs, and I certainly wasn't cooking. I wanted to enjoy the time to be forced to sit, but all I could think about was all the things piling up that weren't going to finish themselves. I'd rather be 'forced' to sit and relax in a Hawaiian resort. I can do my 'Mom job' when I'm sick or my back hurts or I have a headache, but it is really hard to do anything when you can't walk. I don't think I truly appreciated how much I run around the house constantly. Properly functioning feet are truly a blessing most of us probably take for granted. When do we ever notice our feet or ankles unless they are hurting, or we have an exceptionally nice pedicure? They are really neglected.
Anyway, it's been 2 1/2 weeks, and it's still a little swollen, still bruised and it still hurts to move in certain directions. When I originally read that it will take 4-6 weeks to heal I didn't believe it, but I guess WebMD knows its stuff. I sprained the same ankle in college, though not nearly as bad, so maybe it was already a little weakened. Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't be running. Once I do go jogging again I know I'll be totally paranoid. With a little help, the house is running as it should be. I gained a little insight in how productive my kids can be and they obviously are capable of doing more jobs around the house. I'll do my best not to take my feet for granted anymore, especially since I won't be wearing any of my cute heels or boots anytime soon. And I will certainly start bringing my phone with me while jogging.