T-bone is now old enough to have very specific ideas for his party and who he would like to invite. It's so close after Christmas that I barely have time to recover from my holiday season/two week travel hangover before jumping into birthday mode. Meanwhile, he's asking EVERY SINGLE DAY if it's his birthday and if I have purchased the cupcakes for his class yet. That does not include conversations about his Transformers party and Optimus Prime cake. Awfully high maintenance for a 5 year old-to-be!!!
The discussions of T-bone's party leads VP to ask about her party and cake, but, as most three year olds, has no concept of what '5 months away' means. So, many tears are shed over the fact that we cannot have discussions regarding an Ariel princess cake until we go through TWO more birthdays after T-bone. This is torture for a little girl. Pure torture.
I did plan T-bone's party fairly quickly since he had specific ideas and basically wants to invite the boys from his class. Super easy. But, now I already have to start planning Punky's first birthday party! I barely have enough energy to do so as March is always a busy month with spring break and a local conference my husband and many of our out of town friends attend. Plus, I threw nice first birthday parties for the other two, and it would be plain crappy of me to not do something for the baby. Once that is done I am quite sure that VP will be hounding me about her party, and she also has some specific ideas, so I've got to make it good. Long gone are the days where I can just plan something for the older two and they'll be happy about it.
Toddlerhood brings many good things such as no more diapers, going potty independently, and drinking out of real cups but it also brings opinions. And I"m pretty sure there is a positive correlation between strength of opinion and age.
So, back to the birthday parties. It's a crazy spring and I will be running around like a crazy lady for most of it. Factor into all the madness high stakes testing at my job, family visits, a dance recital and my husband traveling out of town several times, including one international trip, and I barely have enough time to take a shower.
I ask myself, though, what in the world would I do if I didn't have all this? Well, I'd probably be out socializing with adults, going to movies, traveling to Vegas for a weekend or working out regularly at the gym, but none of those things kiss me goodnight with an 'I love you, Mom' cherry on top!